Collective Exhibition

Spazju Kreattiv, St. James Cavalier, Valletta, Malta.
May 2017
An exhibition of photographs by Joe P Smith, Darrin Zammit Lupi and John Grech featuring Mavin Khoo during dance performances in Malta. A journey celebrating dance artist MAVIN KHOO through dance, media, photography, discussion and film. This project is part of Mavin Khoo’s project Open Space in collaboration with Spazju Kreattiv.
Solo Exhibition

Council of the European Union, Brussels, Belgium.
February – June 2017
With this collection I delve into one aspect of Malta’s rich heritage in stone: the Neolithic temples. Some of these structures date back to 3600 BC and are thought to be the oldest standing structures in Europe. These magnificent edifices consist of megaliths hewn, hauled and erected by hands which are alien to us, and were used for worship by a civilisation about which we know nothing else.
Photo & Video for Opera

Manoel Theatre, Valletta, Malta.
December 2014
‘Il-Kantilena’ the oldest poem in Maltese, irregular immigration, an international phenomenon with particular implications to Malta, all brought together in the production ‘il-kantilena’ – a 500-year old lament, a lament for today. This production by Reuben Pace fusing literature, electronic and acoustic music, choreography and video projections was premiered with huge success at the Manoel Theatre. It is the first ever Maltese multimedia opera and the first time that the oldest poem in Maltese has been set to music.
Collective Exhibition

Horizons (Contact Dance Company)
Mediterranean Institute Theatre Programme, MITP, Valletta, Malta.
March 2010
Celebrating 10 years of Dance Making from Contact Dance Company.
A mixed media Exhibition of photography and paintings by John Grech, Jeremy de Maria, Joe Smith, Darrin Zammit Lupi, James Vella Clark, Anna Skorut, Jeni Caruana.
Solo Exhibition

St. James Cavalier, Centre for Creativity, Valletta, Malta.
December 2008 – January 2009
In these works, apart from the natural and physical beauty of the human form, I am in search of feelings, emotions . . . the person within. The essence of what makes us human, what we are, is what ultimately interests me as I try to delve beneath the skin of my models. At the same time, as I look at the human form and try to capture the idea of the soul therein, I perceive the kind of clay from which spring all creatures: us, and all other earthly marvels pulsating with life. We exist within a historico-biological context: our roots are testified to by the very fact that we are embodied in this flesh and blood.
Solo Exhibition

Collective Exhibition

Collective Exhibition

St. James Cavalier, Centre for Creativity, Valletta, Malta.
January – February 2007
….The analogy between light and thought that has fascinated artists and philosophers for millennia is a sound reason for combining the two media. Writing-with-light (= ‘photography’) is the aptest means for the inscription of temporality into the visible. Implications of the temporal/timeless paradox at the heart of human existence is a central theme of all poetry. Interfacing the two media is perhaps the best contemporary way to bring out the complex dialectic between time and habitation in any form of finite being….
Solo Exhibition

Two and a half Lemon, Vittoriosa, Malta.
November 2006 – March 2007
The images in this collection of nudes are, more than anything else, suggestive of nudes. They give the viewer just a hint of the subject, of the concept if you want, and leaves much of the rest to the viewer’s interpretation and imagination. Each image carries with it the feelings and emotions of the subject and myself, hence the title ‘intimations of the soul’.
Solo Exhibition

The Manoel Theatre Courtyard, Valletta, Malta.
October – November 2006
Dance is one of the idioms at the disposal of the human form just as much as the naked figure is another of its idioms. Dance and nudes are not completely distinct from each other as expressions. Needless to say, this is true for both the model – in terms of them being the subject – and the photographer. You can’t deny that there is dance in the nude, such as the dance of light and shadow on the contours of the figure, the posture as well as the sense of stillness. In these works, I try to convey the passionate dynamics of the moving bodies.
Collective Exhibition

Mar de Suenos sobre Superficies Amorfas:
Las Pupilas Primitivas
Museo de la Ciudad, Irapuato, Guanajuato, Mexico.
February 2006
“Toco tu boca, con un dedo toco el borde de tu boca, voy dibujándola como si saliera de mi mano, como si por primera vez tu boca se entreabriera, y me basta cerrar los ojos para deshacerlo todo y recomenzar, hago nacer cada vez la boca que deseo, la boca que mi mano elige y te dibuja en la cara, una boca elegida entre todas, con soberana libertad elegida por mí para dibujarla con mi mano en tu cara, y que por un azar que no busco comprender coincide exactamente con tu boca que sonríe por debajo de la que mi mano te dibuja..”
Solo Exhibition